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Volunteering & Fundraising with Skate Brandon


Volunteering with Skate Brandon


As a non-profit organization, Skate Brandon is run and managed by a group of volunteers: the Skate Brandon Board, which consists of parents and coaches of our skaters. 

Volunteer work is essential to the quality and success of our club, and to your child's experience here. Prior experience is not required. Volunteering in the Club is a great opportunity to learn about our recreational and competitive programs, as well as a fun way to meet other club members and have a good time while helping out!  Please Contact Us if you have any amount of time that you offer to help us out! :-)

Pre-CanSkate, CanSkate, or CanPowerSkate programs - there is NO volunteer fee.  However, we always welcome any help that you could provide.





Fundraising with Skate Brandon


There will be various fundraising opportunities throughout the year that any member of Skate Brandon can participate in.  We encourage anyone to help with fundraising for the Club so that we can continue to provide quality programs.



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